



Firoz Kaderali

Corporate Networks: Planen für die Zukunft
Proceedings zur Tagung Online 94, Kongreßband III/2, Hamburg, Februar 1994

Werner Poguntke

On reliable graphs with static routing plans
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 51 (1994) pp. 137 - 146

Firoz Kaderali

Neue Kommunikationstechniken für Anwender
In: Corporate Networks und neue Techniken, Proceedings des Telekom-Anwender-Kongresses `94, Vieweg Verlag 1994, Seite 215 - 225

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Thomas Hermann, Firoz Kaderali

Bewertung kryptologischer Verfahren für den Einsatz in digitalen Kommunikationssystemen, Hagen, 1994

Christoph Bach, Andreas Grebe

Comparison and performance evaluation of CRMA-II and ATMR
Eleventh Annual Conference on European Fibre Optic Communications and Networks, EFOC&N '93, The Hague, June 1993, Paper No. 147, pp.282

Christoph Bach, Johannes Wissing

Comparison and Performance Evaluation of Generic Flaw Control Protocol based on DQDB and ATMR
Symposium on Subscriber Loops and Services, Vancouver, 1993

Werner Poguntke

On the design of communication networks with restricted message routing
IEEE Int. Conf. on Communications, Genf, May 1993, Record 2/3, pp. 681-685

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