Firoz Kaderali, Olaf Ehlert |
Future Development of e-Learning Tools - a Review of the Open Source Initiative Campus Source
ICETA 2003, Seite 269 - 272, ISBN 80-89066-67-4 | |
Mingxing He, Pingzhi Fan, Firoz Kaderali, D. Yuan |
Access Key Distribution Scheme for Level-based Hierarchy, Proceedings of the Forth International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies
PDCAT'03, IEEE Press, ISTP, August 2003 | |
Weidong Qiu |
Group oriented digital certificate architecture
IEEE Conference on Electronic Commerce CEC'03 , Newport Beach, CA, June 24-27, 2003. IEEE CS press, 2003 | |
Weidong Qiu, Mingxing He, Firoz Kaderali |
Group Oriented Digital Certificate Architecture
IEEE International Conference, CA, USA, page 233-238, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2003 | |
Firoz Kaderali |
eLearning Kooperationen zwischen Unternehmen und Hochschulen
in eLearning in Unternehmen - Neue Wege für Training und Weiterbildung, Springer Verlag, Seite 126 - 132, April 2003, ISBN 3-540-00543-9 | |
Firoz Kaderali |
Open Source für das Lehren mit neuen Medien
Learntec 2003, Seite 181-186, ISSN 1433-4167 | |
Michael Stepping, Clemens Bechter |
MPEG-4 In Mobile Environments
Proceedings on Globalization, Innovation and Human Resource Development for Competitive Advantage, Vol. 1, pp. 477-487, Bangkok, 2002 | |