



Firoz Kaderali, Olaf Ehlert

Future Development of e-Learning Tools - a Review of the Open Source Initiative Campus Source
ICETA 2003, Seite 269 - 272, ISBN 80-89066-67-4

Mingxing He, Pingzhi Fan, Firoz Kaderali, D. Yuan

Access Key Distribution Scheme for Level-based Hierarchy, Proceedings of the Forth International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies
PDCAT'03, IEEE Press, ISTP, August 2003

Weidong Qiu

Group oriented digital certificate architecture
IEEE Conference on Electronic Commerce CEC'03 , Newport Beach, CA, June 24-27, 2003. IEEE CS press, 2003

Weidong Qiu, Mingxing He, Firoz Kaderali

Group Oriented Digital Certificate Architecture
IEEE International Conference, CA, USA, page 233-238, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2003

Firoz Kaderali

eLearning Kooperationen zwischen Unternehmen und Hochschulen
in eLearning in Unternehmen - Neue Wege für Training und Weiterbildung, Springer Verlag, Seite 126 - 132, April 2003, ISBN 3-540-00543-9

Firoz Kaderali

Open Source für das Lehren mit neuen Medien
Learntec 2003, Seite 181-186, ISSN 1433-4167

Michael Stepping, Clemens Bechter

MPEG-4 In Mobile Environments
Proceedings on Globalization, Innovation and Human Resource Development for Competitive Advantage, Vol. 1, pp. 477-487, Bangkok, 2002

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