



Firoz Kaderali, Markus Schneider

Technischer Datenschutz in Kommunikationsnetzen
2. WAKI/G-IIA-Symposium, September 99

Firoz Kaderali, Oda Sans

Das Projekt Virtuelle Universität
in Grundlagen der Weiterbildung - Praxishilfen, Luchterhand Verlag, 1998

Firoz Kaderali, Oda Sans, Sonja Schaup, Dagmar Sommer

Experiences in Online Tutoring of Multimedia Courses in Distance Education
Proceedings of the XV.IFIP World Computer Congress - Teleteaching'98, Distance Learning, Training and Education, 31.08.-04.09.98, Wien, Budapest, Schriftenreihe der Österreichischen Computergesellschaft, Band 120, p. 549-558

Firoz Kaderali, Olaf Ehlert

Stand des Networking in Deutschland
1. G-IIA-Symposium, 23.-24. September 1996, Bochum

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Firoz Kaderali, Olaf Ehlert

Future Development of e-Learning Tools - a Review of the Open Source Initiative Campus Source
ICETA 2003, Seite 269 - 272, ISBN 80-89066-67-4

Firoz Kaderali, Olaf Ehlert

Experience with Open Source for e-Learning
EADTU Annual Conference Madrid, "E-Bologna" - Progressing the European Learning Space, Spain, Madrid, 06.11. - 08.11.2003


Firoz Kaderali, Oliver Stutzke

Experiences in Online Teaching - Architecture and Functionality of a Virtual University
InfrastructureProceedings of the EADTU Paris Millenium Conference, 28. - 30. September 2000

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