Thomas Hermann, Werner Poguntke |
Fehlerkorrigierende Codes in der Kryptologie
Mathematische Semesterberichte, Springer Verlag, Sept. 1995, S. 139-151 | |
Firoz Kaderali, Sonja Schaup |
FernUniversität Hagen - Projekt Virtuelle Universität
Jahrbuch Telekommunikation und Gesellschaft, 1998, Hüthig Verlagsgesellschaft GmbH, Heidelberg | |
Christian Grosch |
Framework for Anonymity in IP Multicast Environments
IEEE Globecom 2000, 27.11. - 01.12.2000, USA, CA, San Francisco | [pdf] [zip] |
Omid Amirhamzeh Tafreschi, Markus Schneider, Peter Fankhauser, Bendick Mahleko, Thomas Tesch |
From Call for Tenders to Sealed-Bid Auction for Mediated eCommerce
9th IFIP 2.6 Working Conference on Database Semantics (DS-9), Hong Kong, April 25 -28, 2001 | |
Firoz Kaderali, Werner Poguntke, Markus Schneider, Bernhard Löhlein |
Funktionalität und Rolle von Trust Centern
Bericht aus Workshops Trustcenter-NRW - Digitale Signaturen der Initiative KOM-ON!, 30.4.98, Staatskanzlei des Landes NRW, Düsseldorf | [ppt] [ppt.gz] |
Firoz Kaderali, Biljana Cubaleska, Andreas Rieke |
Further Education in the Virtual University: The Role of Electronic Payment Systems
Proceedings of the 19th World Conference on Open Learning and Distance Education, ICDE - International Council for Open and Distance Education, 20.-24. Juni 1999, Wien/Österreich | |
Firoz Kaderali, Olaf Ehlert |
Future Development of e-Learning Tools - a Review of the Open Source Initiative Campus Source
ICETA 2003, Seite 269 - 272, ISBN 80-89066-67-4 | |