



Nagib Callaos, Baoby Zheng, Firoz Kaderali

Proceedings of the 6th world multiconference on Systemics
Informatics and Cybernetics, Orlando, USA, 2002, Vol. IV, Mobile / Wireless Computing and Communication Networks

Markus Schneider, Thomas Keinz

Proof of Authorship for Copyright Protection in OPELIX
EVA 2001, March 2001, Firenze, Italy

Dirk Westhoff, Markus Schneider, Claus Unger, Firoz Kaderali

Protecting a Mobile Agent´s Route against Collusions
Sixth Annual Workshop on Selected Areas in Cryptography, SAC'99, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, August 99, Proceedings, Springer Verlag, LNCS 1758, 1999

Werner Poguntke

Reliability of networks using static routing, Proceedings on Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization
Memorandum No. 964, Universiteit Twente, 1991

Matthias Enzmann, Thomas Kunz, Markus Schneider

Schutz der Privatsphäre beim Online-Einkauf durch Verwendung mobiler Agenten, Von e-Learning bis e-Payment
Das Internet als sicherer Marktplatz, Leipziger Informatiktage, September 26-27, 2002

Firoz Kaderali, Werner Poguntke, Andreas Rieke, Markus Schneider

Security in SPECIAL: the Quality of Security Service
Proceedings of the ACTS Session (parallel to the ECMAST '96 conference), Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgien, 30. Mai 1996. S. 52 - 61

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Olaf Ehlert

Security Issues - How Secure is the Internet?
Energy Companies and the Internet: Present Experiences and Future Opportunities, The Hague, 14. Mai 1997

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