



Andreas Rieke

Parameter Independent Performance Analysis of Cyclic Codes
Proceedings of the 5th UK/Australian International Symposium on DSP for Communication Systems, Perth, Australien, Februar 1999

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Werner Poguntke

Order-theoretic aspects of scheduling, Contemporary Mathematics
American Mathematical Society, Vol. 57, pp. 1-32, 1986

Firoz Kaderali

Open Source für den Einsatz neuer Medien in der Lehre
VDE Kongress 2004, 18-20. Oktober 2004 Berlin, Band 1, Seite 37 - 41


Firoz Kaderali

Open Source für das Lehren mit neuen Medien
Learntec 2003, Seite 181-186, ISSN 1433-4167

Markus Schneider, Oliver Stutzke

On the Number of Binary Sequences with Good Linear Complexity Profiles
3rd IEEE/ITG Conference on Source and Channel Coding, ITG Fachbericht 159, VDE Verlag, 2000


Werner Poguntke

On the design of communication networks with restricted message routing
IEEE Int. Conf. on Communications, Genf, May 1993, Record 2/3, pp. 681-685

Markus Schneider

On the Contruction and Upper Bounds of Balanced and Correlation-immune Functions
Proceedings of Fourth Annual Workshop on Selected Areas in Cryptography SAC '97, August 11-12, 1997, Carleton University, Ottawa Ontario, Canada

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